
Dr Annabel Joyce-Jenkins, from the UK, worked as a community care doctor in the Ngara district in Western Tanzania from 1996 to 1999.  Following her tragic death from leukemia in 1999, her Tanzanian colleagues decided to both meet the needs of the local people and honor her work, by building a Health Centre in Mugoma ward. By adhering to standards of Tanzanian health institutions construction and operation, the center is operating in partnership with The Government of Tanzania in every stage from construction till actual implementation. The proposed health facility will serve approximately 40,000 people living almost 40 kilometers from Murgwanza District Hospital and more than two wards will be served including Mugoma and Ntobeye ward

Currently it is on final stage of construction, when completed the following health services will be provided:

·         Maternity service provision (Anti-natal and post-natal )

·         Clinic service

·         Laboratory and Observation  service

·         Out- patient services  

·         In patient services 

·         Pediatric services

·         Male medical and surgical

·         Female medical and surgical  

·         Mortuary service