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    The church that is growing, expanding and thriving

    Special mission areas are Kibirizi, Murongo, Kayanga and Kyerwa Deaneries for Evangelization as the most challenging areas in proclaiming the word of God. Other activities are Church Planting, efficiency evangelization and upholding spiritual service with peoples’ development

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    Strengthening of strategic departments

    Two strategies are taking place, firstly reform and secondly expansion of strategic departments. Targeted departments are Development department, Education and vocational department, mission and Evangelism department, Youth department, gender, women and children department

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    Strengthening of diocesan contribution on development and social welfare

    The diocese will increase efforts on development and peoples’ welfare by implementing projects purposely on assisting sick persons, poverty reduction, support to disabled and human rights protection within and outside the diocesan boundaries

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    Strengthening leadership, administration and resource management

    In the duration of five years, Kagera Diocese is emphasizing on (a) Strong policies, laws, guidelines and systems that give proper direction on implementation and monitoring (b) Presence of competent and motivated human resource on undertaking duties (c) Availability of material and financial resource in contributing to development

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    Sustainable environmental conservation stewardship

    Within five years, the diocese is stressing on environmental conservation at all levels through trees plantation, the use of alternative energy and waste recycling. In partnership with the Government and development partners, community will be empowered and capacitated through CCMP and other strategies in trees plantation, conserving planted ones and recycling wastes in environmental friendly mechanism

Our Ministries

Mission and Evangelism

This department is dedicated to the ministry of working, supporting and coordinating the Evangelism and discipleship ministries of the church at all levels.

Gender, Women and Children

The ministry responsibility is molding women and children in the word of God ground and make them the source of church and social development.

Youth Ministry

The main focus of this ministry is to promote the salvation of youths through Jesus Christ and their acceptance and involvement in the mission of the church.

Our Institutions

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  • Health Institutions
  • Educational Institutions
  • Theology Institutions
  • Community Institutions

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